About US

Founder, Carson Tharp, had always wanted his own dog, and in his junior year of college his wish was granted. As any other respectable dog owner would do, he told himself he wasn't going to let his first dog be misbehaved, but make it the best dog he'll ever own. During that summer while interning at an Oil & Gas firm, he would take periodic breaks throughout the day working with Sadie. She loved to sit, heal, play fetch, carry sticks on walks, etc. one thing was for sure her favorite thing was to go swimming at the lake and retrieving bumpers. After a few times watching her go out to a bumper, with her shoulders bulging out, chopping through the water, as if she couldn’t get there soon enough, the drive she had for retrieving in the water opened Carson’s eyes. That's when he realized he had the responsibility to make her into a bird dog. Funds weren’t necessarily all that in abundance, thus his only option was to train her himself. Not having access to a ranch, and having to ensure the development of the best gun dog he'd ever own, his only option was to utilize public hunting land. The average hunter will understand that hunting public land isn't necessarily the easiest thing. Getting through a moderately good dove season, duck season came around and he purchased his first two-dozen mallard decoys. Through hours and hours of research, countless times waking up at 4 am, trying out new spots, an additional dozen of decoys, all only to end up coming home empty handed, Carson and, his six-month side kick, Sadie could not figure out what they were doing wrong. One morning sitting in the bottom of the Colorado River, calling in a flock of three green wing teal, it clicked. To make your dog happy, or to walk home with a strap full of birds, you need motion. Not just any motion, but motion that is realistic. And since that moment, Jahpoo was born. Since Inception, Jahpoo Outdoors has poised themselves to become a leader in the Motion Duck Decoy Industry. Based in Austin Texas, Japoo is committed to revolutionizing the game of the Waterfowl Decoy Industry. We noticed motion decoys lacked the ease of deployment, realism, and effective pricing. We decided to change that by creating a, patent pending, butt-up motion duck decoy, with an internal battery, weight, and motor all in one. Essentially we are a duck decoy company, but with a little spice. We’ve created a product, combining modern technology, realism, and life like movement, that leaves the hunter and their four legged side kick walking away with a limit. "Move that water” baby.